About me
My name is Larissa, I’m a Berlin based illustrator and graphic designer! After growing up in a small town in southern Germany surrounded by a more rural countryside I moved to Berlin in 2009 after finishing school. I mostly work as a freelance editorial illustrator for various magazines, newspapers, publishers and agencies but I am also very interested in writing and visual storytelling and try to bring as much personal illustrative projects to life as I can.

I studied Visual Communication at Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin (BA, 2018) and at Berlin University of the Arts (MA, 2020) with a focus on illustration.

I love to spend a lot of time in nature and go hiking, but also staying inside playing video games (I am especially into retro games from the early 90s), reading comics and listening to audiobooks. I also like to work on tech stuff like my PC or disassembling, fixing and putting back together old electronics.
Say Hello!

Please get in contact for submissions, collaborations, questions, answers and everything in between! ↝ mail@larissahoff.com

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